Green Stays

Founded in 2015, Green Stays is a Tour Operator that organizes sustainable trips, guaranteeing its customers a truly authentic and unforgettable experience, respecting the Environment, Culture and Traditions of Local Communities.

We build unique trips and prepare each tour with a very special care, in order to provide an experience that will be forever in the memory of our customers.

Vicente Bento – CEO & Founder

Our Vision

All tourists will choose more sustainable stays and experiences in the future, protecting the Environment and supporting the Local Communities they visit.

All companies in the tourism sector will implement good environmental and social practices, concerned with the well-being of their community, with the preservation of the planet and with the fight against climate change.

Our Mission and Values

We build unique tourist experiences that remain in people’s memories. We are Global, constantly adapting our offers to market trends and in line with our values.

We have the mission of supporting our partners and customers in the search for the best sustainable practices, betting on the communication of these good practices to a public that is aware of this issue.

We appreciate authenticity and are proud to offer the best sustainable experiences, in partnership with our Ambassadors.

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